Truck Focus Podcast - Episode #52 - We Got This - An Introduction to Our Mental Health Series

Truck Focus Podcast - Episode #52 - We Got This - An Introduction to Our Mental Health Series

Posted by Josh Hannaberry
Friends in the Industry - I am excited about the launch of our We Got This series! This series is dedicated to exploring Mental Health. I will be interviewing a number of professionals that will help us navigate what exactly is Mental Health, and offer guidance on actionable steps we can take each day to protect and ultimately strengthen our own mental health. *disclaimer - the purpose of our series is to educate, encourage, and empower and to not prevent or discourage anyone from seeking medical attention. -- For anyone that has worked in the transportation industry longer than a minute knows, at some point or another, we all experience challenges that put a strain on our mental health. A number of examples in my own experience come to mind, such as operating a commercial vehicle in traffic, planning trucks and a piece of equipment breaks, etc, and having to navigate through these challenges. As we navigate through these challenges and ultimately create our own victories, all of this action has an impact on our mental health. Possibly you are feeling less like yourself over the last few months? I know I have. That is why this series is so important to me and my own journey, and I am excited for the impact it will have on the lives of those in our industry that continue to create success each day while battling various challenges. We need to all understand that our mental health needs to be taken seriously, and there are a number of actions we can take each day to protect and strengthen our own mental health. There are also situations that require medical attention. Regardless of where we are at today, I look forward to all of us making strides to become better. Most importantly, if you are in a mental state where you feel lost, confused, or uncertain - please reach out. If that means reaching out to myself, to others in our community, to a medical professional, or whomever - please make sure you reach out. Contact: 587-437-2345 Email: Truck Focus Podcast introduces transportation industry leaders, to the industry, to help create a pivotal change. The podcast is designed to share our industry leader's knowledge with those working within or looking to get into the transportation industry, to help demystify specific requirements and offer guidance on important decisions. Thank you for taking the time to listen today! Sign up for the Truck Focus Newsletter: Learn more about our mission:
Posted November 22, 2021
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