To use the Fleet VMRS Lookup Portal join the Fleet Group Professional Network. Once a member you can select the Subscription that works best for you! If you are allready a member then Sign-In and purchase the Subscription for the options that best fit your needs.



VMRS Lookup

How-To Videos


 Part I
How to Access the VMRS Lookup Tool


Part II
Searching by CK31 System Code


Part III
Searching by CK32 Assembly Code


Part IV
Searching by CK33 Component Code


Part V
Searching Using Multiple Code Keys


 Part VI
Searching by Part Number


 Part VII
Code Key Detail and Copy Feature


 Part VII
Show and Add Associated Parts


This is the Fleet Group, Inc new one of a kind VMRS Lookup Portal. This portal is intended to stream line the search process for VMRS coding.  This Portal is subject to continuous improvement and development.

The first Lookup we developed for this portal is for the Part Component Code or VMRS Code Key 33. We are giving the user two ways to look the part up. The first by using Code Key and/or keyword searches using Code Key 31-System, 32-Assembly, and 33-Component. The Second way is to access a limited, but growing, parts number database with a part number search. If the part number is in our database, it will return the nine digit VMRS Component Code to the user.




Introducing the easy way to assign VMRS codes to Parts. The new Fleet VMRS Lookup Portal by Fleet Group, Inc. The VMRS Portal allows the user to zero in on the correct Code so that if you are using the first three, the first six or all nine digits to identify the correct system, assembly and component code. Instead of searching through the spreadsheet or list in your computer software you can narrow the choice using the information you know about the part and the VMRS codes and/or Keywords. You can quickly narrow the code selection for thousands of codes to just a few.

See Example Above

  • You can use the numerical code (#1) in conjunction with key words (#1) to quickly narrow the selection from 32077 to 66 (#3). And if you add more detail to the search you can make that number even smaller.
  • You can search our ever-growing parts data base by putting the part number (less spaces and special characters) in the Part Number Search Box (#2) and if it is on our data base it will instantly list it in the results window.
  • Once you select a component code in the results window you will be able to see what parts are in our database that are associated (#4) to that code. This will be helpful if you are having trouble determining the system or assemble code for any particular part.
  • Once you have decided the code you can you can Add (#5) your part number to the database for future reference. This will help speed up the process in the future and we will verify that the coding is correct and notify you if it is not.
  • Once a code or part is selected in the results window you will get a detailed breakdown of the coding (#6)
  • When you are satisfied you can copy the code and description (#7) to the clipboard with the push of a button and paste it where it is needed.
  • And when you are ready to search to a new part you can clear the from all at once with the Clear Search button (#8) and start you next search.




If you have a part number that you are unable to find the correct code, contact us! We can do the work for you. For a Small administration fee of $3.00 per part number we will code them for you. If you have more then ten (10) part numbers to code or would like help scrubbing your parts master, please contact us for special pricing.


Code Key 33 - Component Code Lookup:

The 3 columns (top left) are designed to take either the 3 digit code or text to search for the proper code. This is the strength of this tool and is the intended way it is to be used. The VMRS code database is updated quarterly and was developed to help the user assign codes to Parts.


Saved Keyword Search:

This is used to find codes that you have bookmarked using the Add Keywords(s) button lower left on the form. This will allow you to bookmark codes that you use often by associating your company name or some other keyword with the component and/or assembly code to allow for fast access for searching.


Part Number Search:

The field found at the top right of the form is used to search by part number. This field draws from a limited database that is added to by the user with the "Add associated part #" button. Using the Part Number search is a good place to start, but you may not find the answer. That's when you use the three-column search on the left side of the form. The three-column search is the power of the Code Key 33 – Component Code Lookup.

The search by part number feature is updated if members take the time to add the information after they have found the answer using the three-column search. Please help build this database by adding part numbers once you have found the codes. When adding or searching parts numbers, remember, no spaces or special characters alphanumeric only.


Code Key 14 - Reason for Repair Code Lookup

Repair Type (Select One)

Search Results (Select Desired Codes)
Repair Type Code Key 14 Reason For Repair Description

Code Key 15 - Work Accomplished Lookup

Search Results (Select the desired code)
CK15 Code Work Accomplished Definition

Adding Keywords to the selected record can help you find your Codes faster in the future
Add Keyword(s) X

Code Key 18 - Technician Failure Code Lookup

Search Results (Select the desired code)
CK18 Code Technician's Failure Code Example

Adding Keywords to the selected record can help you find your Codes faster in the future
Add Keyword(s) X

Code Key 19 - Indirect Labor Code Lookup

Category (Select One)

Search Results (Select Desired Codes)
Category Code Key 19 Repair Class

VMRS 2000 Codes

VMRS stands for Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards. Developed by and for equipment users under the auspices of the American Trucking Associations (ATA) Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC). These standards were established in 1970 as a universal language for fleets to develop a uniform record-keeping practice for equipment maintenance.


The three most frequently cited advantages of the VMRS program are:

  1. Provides a uniform method for recording data in a computerized system.
  2. Provides a means for identifying and establishing warranty claims.
  3. Gives fleet managers a standard code for reporting.


VMRS can also be used to track labor related costs, make budget writing easier, maximizing vehicle utilization, and in general, help fleet managers run their maintenance and repair facilities more efficiently.


VMRS Codes are endorsed by the TMC (Technology and Maintenance Council) as an industry recommended practice. If you are not familiar with TMC, we suggest you look them up using the above link and consider becoming a member and have a voice in the industry.