Hyliion CEO says interest in Hypertruck ERX 'has exceeded expectations'

Hyliion CEO says interest in Hypertruck ERX 'has exceeded expectations'

Posted by Tom Quimby
HWT Senior Editor Tom Quimby talks with Hyliion CEO & founder Thomas Healy about a range of topics including fleet interest in the Hypertruck ERX which Healy says has been “pleasantly surprising” and “has exceeded their expectations” during ride-n-drive events. The interview took place late last week at Hyliion's headquarters in Cedar Park, Texas near Austin. 2/23 UPDATE: Competition could heat up for Hyliion following Cummins' acquisition of their eAxle provider Meritor. Cummins has developed hybrid powertrains and told me today that they will "meet customer needs as they transition to hybrid and electric vehicles.” Read more at https://www.hardworkingtrucks.com/alternative-power/article/15288936/hyliion-could-be-facing-greater-competition-from-cummins-following-meritor-acquisition
Posted February 26, 2022
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