Truck Focus Podcast - Episode #58 - See Your Value and Validate It w/ Caleb Krahn DriverVerified

Truck Focus Podcast - Episode #58 - See Your Value and Validate It w/ Caleb Krahn DriverVerified

Posted by Josh Hannaberry
Friends in the Industry - Being able to validate your experience is crucial, especially in the transportation industry. In today’s episode, I am excited to have a conversation with Caleb Krahn with DriverVerified. DriverVerified is a system built specifically to help professional drivers and carriers validate information ongoing, to ensure professional drivers can be hired, and carriers can hire when needed! Learn more about DriverVerified by visiting There are a couple of important takeaways from today's episode that I wanted to highlight: First, professional drivers need to value their experience, and validate it! Second, DriverVerified is solving a large problem in the industry by providing a platform that allows professional drivers, owner-operators, carriers, and insurance brokers to work together on one platform to confirm information and experience. Third, the system is free to try, so I highly recommend setting up an account today! I encourage you to connect with Caleb by sending him an email: Connect with DriverVerified on social media: LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Twitter Thank you again Caleb for taking the time and joining me for a podcast interview today, I really appreciate it! Truck Focus Podcast introduces transportation industry leaders, to the industry, to help create a pivotal change. The podcast is designed to share our industry leader's knowledge with those working within or looking to get into the transportation industry, to help demystify specific requirements and offer guidance on important decisions. Thank you for taking the time to listen today! To learn more about the Truck Focus Podcast, please visit our website Sign up for the Truck Focus Newsletter: Or send us an email:
Posted December 8, 2021
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