Automation Required w/ Josh Hannaberry - Truck Focus Podcast Episode #73

Automation Required w/ Josh Hannaberry - Truck Focus Podcast Episode #73

Posted by Josh Hannaberry
Friends in the Industry - As we continue to navigate the month of January 2022 I believe it is important that we continue to focus on our goals. One goal that I have for the transportation industry is that we all continue to accept and integrate appropriate technologies into our workplaces to improve our operating procedures. In today's episode, I walk you through my journey in the industry and list a number of pain points when pen to paper was the tools used instead of automated procedures, and the real cost behind these. I also spend time highlighting 3 companies I believe are game-changers with respect to automating workflows in specific areas our industry relies on each and every day. Please note, this is an audio-only episode so click the link to listen! A huge shoutout to our sponsors, ComplianceBox! ComplianceBox - Transport Compliance Made Easy An expertly designed, easy-to-use Mobile App, that offers electronic inspections that are automatically risk-rated, to keep your fleet safe, and your employees focused. Learn more by visiting and start your free trial today! I also want to give a shoutout to our friends at EnviroApps and DriverVerified for the systems they have developed that are helping carriers throughout Canada. Learn more about EnviroApps by visiting Learn more about DriverVerified by visiting Thank you again for taking the time to listen! Truck Focus Podcast introduces transportation industry leaders, to the industry, to help create a pivotal change. The podcast is designed to share our industry leader's knowledge with those working within or looking to get into the transportation industry, to help demystify specific requirements and offer guidance on important decisions. Thank you for taking the time to listen today! To learn more about the Truck Focus Podcast, please visit our website Sign up for the Truck Focus Newsletter: Or send us an email:
Posted January 19, 2022
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