A Roadmap On How To Achieve Your Goals w/ Dr. Barry Ep #85

A Roadmap On How To Achieve Your Goals w/ Dr. Barry Ep #85

Posted by Josh Hannaberry
Friends in the Industry - In today's episode, I am excited to have Dr. Barry Gjerdrum return to discuss a very important topic, goals. During our conversation today, Dr. Barry walks us through the importance of goal setting and provides strategic steps we can all take to help identify which goals matter most to us and how to accomplish them. If you have been wondering "how on earth am I going to move the needle in my own life and accomplish more?" then this episode is for you! Dr. Barry recently shared an article in the January 2022 edition of the Truck Focus Newsletter that I highly recommend you check out! Goals article link: https://www.pvtlindustry.com/post/goals-an-article-written-by-dr-barry-gjerdrum Excerpt from article: "First of all, we need a WHY - a purpose or reason for wanting to change. Without a strong purpose, we tend to lose interest and focus and the goals fall away. Rather than say you want to lose 20lbs, dig deeper and ask yourself why you’d like to lose that weight. Perhaps you’d like to get into better shape. Maybe you’ve had a health scare and want to be there for your family. When you focus on the deeper reasons for wanting something, your chance of keeping focus is stronger and you’ll be more likely to reach the goal. According to Dan Hardy, “the power of your WHY is what will power you to overcome any obstacle and to achieve the seemingly impossible”. You can learn more about Dr. Barry by visiting: Website: https://www.familywellnesscentre.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChaparralChiropractic Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Chaparral_Chiropractic/ If you would like to speak with Dr. Barry, please contact me directly and I will gladly put you in contact with him. Email: pvtlindustry@gmail.com Thank you again Dr. Barry, I really appreciate the value you shared in today's conversation! As always, let's create a pivotal impact! Truck Focus Podcast introduces transportation industry leaders, to the industry, to help create a pivotal change. The podcast is designed to share our industry leader's knowledge with those working within or looking to get into the transportation industry, to help demystify specific requirements and offer guidance on important decisions. Thank you for taking the time to listen today! To learn more about the Truck Focus Podcast, please visit our website https://www.pvtlindustry.com/truckfocus Sign up for the Truck Focus Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3yy3K0D Or send us an email: pvtlindustry@gmail.com
Posted February 23, 2022
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