Introducing the Omega 1. A revolutionary engine.

Introducing the Omega 1. A revolutionary engine.

Posted by Jerry Frech
For more information, visit: The Omega 1 is not only much more powerful than existing technology, but it is also much more efficient. The Omega 1’s rotary mechanism is very efficient because it has very little friction and fluid pumping losses. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, the Omega 1 has the ability to use only the amount of fuel necessary for the power required at any instant (called “skip fire” technology). This means that it will use much less fuel than other technologies and have far fewer emissions. Dramatically less fuel and emissions will make a green difference in every application and help to make the world a better place. An efficient Omega 1 engine in an electric power plant using natural gas as a fuel or an ultra-efficient Omega 1 engine in an intercontinental aircraft, the fuel efficiency, and low emissions will conserve fuel and help the planet breathe easier.
Posted January 17, 2022
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