
The Long Haul - Truckers, Trauma, and Resilience

The Long Haul - Truckers, Trauma, and Resilience

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    The Long Haul - Truckers, Trauma, and Resilience

    The origin of this research project, completed by my friend Morgan Beaudry, was inspired by observations and a simple question.
    In summary, "how is the driver doing after being involved in a fatal collision?"

    Regardless of fault, regardless of the cost of repairs or lost products, in your opinion - are we asking this crucial question enough?

    Are we offering assistance when the driver states that they are not in fact, okay?
    I encourage you to read through Morgan's research here:
    Furthermore, I challenge those who are in a position that oversees professional drivers, to ask the question "how are you doing" post-collision, regardless of catastrophe, and genuinely listen to their answers.
    Professional drivers, if you have ever been in a collision, I also encourage you to speak up about how you, as a person, are doing.
    Thank you again Morgan for completing this project, and for all of the professional drivers that participated.
    Thank you to all professional drivers that continue to make it happen each day.
    Learn more about Knights of the Road, an initiative Morgan lead to help professional drivers share their story after dealing with traumatic collisions.
    Morgan recently opened Road Ahead Counselling, a practice that puts you in the driver's seat and, together, you will explore past and present factors complicating your life. Morgan uses techniques from narrative to gestalt to genograms, together you can find a path that moved you toward who and what and how you want to be.
    Learn more about Road Ahead Counselling:
    Contact Morgan directly via email:
    Thank you again Morgan!